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Direct liquid fuel cells are considered an ideal electrochemical energy device to supplement Li-batteries in some special applications, due to the higher energy density of liquid fuel, quiet operation, and independent of charging plugs. We are interested in develop direct carbohydrazide fuel cells with high power density and high energy and fuel efficiency. Now we are investigating electrochemical reaction mechanisms of carbohydrazide, hydrazine and ammonia over different types of catalysts in various conditions, and exploring efficient anode catalyst materials, with the ultimate goal of developing novel carbohydrazide fuel cell technologies.
Sponsor: Iowa Reagents Innovation Fund (RIF)
Wenzhen Li Research Group
Electrochemistry / Catalysis / Energy
/ Environment / Agriculture / Sustainability
BRL Lab (2nd Floor)
Equipment Room
Rest Area
Interaction Area
Sweeney Lab (2156)
Equipment and Facilities (Li group)
Glove Box
Water Purification System
Scriber Fuel Cell Tester
Splitting Furnace & Vacuum Oven
Agilent HPLC (1260)
Biologic Electrochemical Workstation
Wet-chemistry Synthesis System
Pine Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE)
Electrochemical tests with online GC
Hot Press
Muffle Furnace
Synthesis Retorts & Fuel Cell Test Hardware
DC Power & Electronic Load
Ultrasonic Baths
Mechanical Agitator
Thin Film Maker
Lab Refrigerator
Ionic Chromatograph (IC)
Lab Oven
Lab Oven
New Electrochemical Workstation
Flow Battery Test System
Membrane-free Alkaline Electrolyzer for Ammonia Synthesis
Four Point Probe Resistivity Measurement
Scaled Membrane-free Alkaline Electrolyzer for Ammonia Synthesis
Electrolysis Flow Cell for Furanics Reduction
Electrolysis H-type Cell with Online Gas Analysis
Electrolysis Flow Cell for Seawater Splitting and Mediated Alkene Partial Oxidation
Zero-Gap, MEA-based Flow Cell (no anode, cathode spacers)
NO-NO2-NOx and N2O analyzers
GHG N2O test (standard N2O gas, 1000ppm)
New Agilent GC (8890, customized) with TCD and FID detectors
Contact angle goniometer
Upgraded Biologic Electrochemical Workstation
(three channels with current boosters and AC impedances)
Equipment and Facilities (shared at BRL)
UV-Vis Spectrometer
Solar Simulator
Zeta Potential Analyzer
Chemisorption (Micromeritics, Autochem II)
Compact titrator
Physiosorption (Micromeritics (ASAP 2020)
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