Direct liquid fuel cells are considered an ideal electrochemical energy device to supplement Li-batteries in some special applications, due to the higher energy density of liquid fuel, quiet operation, and independent of charging plugs. We are interested in develop direct carbohydrazide fuel cells with high power density and high energy and fuel efficiency. Now we are investigating electrochemical reaction mechanisms of carbohydrazide, hydrazine and ammonia over different types of catalysts in various conditions, and exploring efficient anode catalyst materials, with the ultimate goal of developing novel carbohydrazide fuel cell technologies.
Sponsor: Iowa Reagents Innovation Fund (RIF)
Wenzhen Li Research Group
Electrochemistry / Catalysis / Energy
/ Environment / Agriculture / Sustainability
Solar-assisted Photoelectrolysis of Biorenewable Chemicals
Conversion of biomass-derived chemicals in a photoelectrochemical cell (PEC) is potentially one of the most environmentally-friendly chemical production routes available, which takes advantage of renewable carbon sources from the earth, renewable photons from the sun, and renewable electricity from wind, geothermal, or photovoltaic sources. We are working on the development of novel photoanodes and electrocatalysts, understanding of the relationship between composite structure/morphology/interface and catalytic functions (solar efficiency, catalyst selectivity, activity and durability), acquiring new knowledge of photoelectrochemical oxidation of organic mediators (for example, TEMPO) for homogeneous oxidation of biorenewable compounds, and the development of pioneering biomass-PEC technology. This is research is collaborated with Prof. Panthani at ISU. Read our new paper here.
Sponsor: ISU-Bailey Award